Baron Hats : A Timeline

Founder and Master Hat Maker, Eddie Baron
(Source: Article dated March 22nd, 1995 from local Newspaper “Burbank Leader”)

• Edison Baron was born in Colombia, South America, in 1930.
• He learned basic hat making from his Father.
• Eddie Baron emigrated to Southern California in 1969, at age 39.
• He was hired by Western Costumes hat department from 1969. Western
Costumes was at the time co-owned by five major Hollywood studios
among which Paramount and Columbia. Eddie would work there for 20
• In 1972 Eddie’s boss at Western Costumes hat shop passed away and
Eddie inherited the hat department.
• In 1989 the studios that co-owned Western Costumes sold the company
and Eddie was laid off as part of the restructuring.
• Eddie then came to Burbank where he created his own hat shop “Baron
California Hats” in 1989.
• From then Eddie worked for small and major studios until he retired at
the age of 65 in April 1995, after he sold his business to Mark Mejia who
had learned hat making as Eddie’s apprentice.
• Mark Mejia has been running the renamed “Baron Hats” shop with his
family since mid-1995, gradually expanding the company activities and
adding exposure to an international clientele through the creation of a
• Baron Hats shop relocated from Burbank to Downtown Los Angeles in
November 2018.
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